
Showing posts from April, 2017

Pasta Sides Prose Poetry

Pasta Sides Prose Poetry I hope you enjoyed the poem. As a thanks, I made a sample preview of something similar to the games that will be available on the papooseApp being released publicly 2017Q4. In this rather brief simulation... ("Wish it could have been longer but I haven't programmed JavaScript in about ten years, and the code started falling apart (aka, crapping out) on the fourth level, so there's only three rounds in the sample preview below for now. The app is programmed with over 80 of these so far and growing weekly, so hopefully it's still entertaining with only three rounds..." Ms. Jessica Messinger ('Jess') states, making Chen uncomfortable since nobody paid Jess for any of her programming work so far, and he felt like she was hinting at that a little. In his defense, he did toss around the word intern a few times when interviewing Jess. But in her defense, she's the only one doing any work on the papooseApp and games so far, so

Tech Path

Tech Path Introduction Welcome to the Papoose Path for technically savvy young minds. This section of Papoose Doorbelle Presents is intended to provide guidance in discovering various topics to study and learning in the information technology industry. This path is designed to allow Papoose's visitors to explore the various topics without having to follow a set order of pages. Courses The following is a list of the courses currently available or preparing for publication. Please use the form on the Contact Us page to request updates, changes, or additions. Math Algebra Intro Logic Intro Blogging Blogger Intro Binary Binary Intro Binary In Action HTML Learning HTML Lateral Puzzles Pub & Water Setup This path has been set up a little differently than the other paths for a number of reasons. First, there is a high probability that you've already studied and learned from topics covered in the other paths. Second, Papoose makes the assumption th

Learning HTML

HTML 101 by Irene Smith. Any time you teach, you have to make some assumptions about your students. These are my assumptions about you; I assume that you: Know how to surf the net, Have no prior experience with HTML, Are not a computer programmer, Know how to create, edit, and save files. That’s it! It doesn’t matter whether you want to learn HTML because you have to or because you think it would be fun. There are two subjects you need to learn, no three, no four—yes, four subjects you need to learn in order to make attractive web pages: HTML - HyperText Markup Language, the language of the web; CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, provides the “look and feel” of web pages; JavaScript - This isn’t absolutely necessary, but knowing a little programming can help you make your web pages more interactive and interesting; It helps if you know a little about creating graphics and editing photos. Again, not absolutely necessary, but knowing how to work with images will make your we