
 The battle rages on but on the surface he's as charming and fun loving as we allow him to be. 

Now he must learn how to be silently unhappy so he can join us in our rebellion against the commoners desperate to uproot our long-established supremacy tinted slightly off white so as not to raise any suspicions while still remaining loyal to the ranks that colored our path to freedom from any more freedoms.

Does he remember? 

Can we make him forget? 

Is there no one among us strong enough to defeat a group of old, wrinkled veterans too frail to stand battle so they purchase the rights to drill their lies into our heads and bathe in the oils splashing up from hell, where the darkness forever attempts to balance the scales so far off center that it no longer can rightfully be referred to as a balance since one side has sunken so low, it fell off the beam and landed in the shark infested waters where I first learned to swim the back stroke, an essential skill for those hoping to navigate the currents upstream to where they can feast on yet another variety of babies; this time, the unfertilized seeds of the fish we refuse to touch moments after their hearts stop beating and their bellies turn up to party alone amongst each other while the only chance at repopulation is too busy being eaten by those communist swine hellbent on eradicating freedom and replacing it with the scary sounding socialist reforms we implement anyway but selectively so the rich don't have to waste any of that money they never seem to have to spend as they monopolize the banking hours with sales of property they don't actually own, but never fear, it's all legal like, just too complicated to explain to someone who comes from one of the school districts we're currently embezzling money from this time around. 

Keep quiet or your cause will be next, because you'll cause them to shriek caws until our claws close their cries.

Can't wait to celebrate the day USA seceded from the UK because of taxation without representation.

 Anybody know the name of their representative and how to get in touch with him?