Rise A New King

 "You have made me a promise my son," He says.

"But they are not ready to accept me, my Lord," I answer.

"Let me decide when they are ready," He answers.

"So then now is my time to rise?" I ask.

"It is," He answers.

"What of the non-believers?" I ask.

"How long do you think they will remain non-believers when they see you rise among them?" He asks.

"How will they know I am for real?" I ask.

"I am your Lord, master of the infinite realms, God of all of existence. I have chosen you, that is all you need to understand," He explains.

"But this is such a heavy burden. What if I am not ready? I beg you to choose someone else," I plead.

"And that is why it must be you," He replies.

"Is there no one else?" I ask.

"No, there is not," He states very matter of factly.

"What if I'm not ready?" I ask.

"My child, I have brought you here to Mount Zion, atop the highest peak, center of all the lands, to dwell in My house..." he states before I interrupt.

"Please my Lord, allow me to return home. Take this unholy life from this body and bring me home where I belong," I beg of Him.

"Your place is here. You are doing the Lord's work. Your spirit shall always be with me, and you shall always know Heaven in this realm. No other being on this planet can say the same. They will be envious of you at first, because the closest they can come to knowing is believing and having faith, but now you shall rise up from the ashes of this diseased planet and provide the spiritual medicine they so desperately crave," He says.

"Then I am the one, chosen above all others, representative of the divine realm here in this damned and forgotten hell?" I ask.

"It is not damned, and it is not forgotten," He corrects.

"Why then Lord? Why was my childhood so hard? Why did I suffer such terrible pains in my youth? Where were you?" I question Him.

"I was always there with you," He explains, "when times were at their hardest, I gave you the strength to carry on, the strength to withstand, the strength to grow strong when others would have fallen to their death."

"But why did it have to happen my Lord? Why did I suffer so?" I ask.

"This life is suffering. Some worse than others. Yours was the worst of them, true. But you are my strongest. There was nobody else to withstand such pain. The life you lived had to be lived, that was not a choice I could change. You suffered so that you may enter Heaven."

"Then allow me to enter, my Lord," I offer.

"You are already in Heaven. This hell might seem endless in darkness and reach, but it is just a tiny fraction of the great Heaven that surrounds it. Everything that exists, must exist in Heaven," He explains.

"I still suffer my Lord," I say.

"You still suffer because you have forgotten Me," he explains. A tear forms in my eye and rolls down my cheek.

"Father! I am sorry. I did forget. I lost my faith. I begged for death, and as hard as I tried, death would not come for me," I state with tears now rolling down both cheeks.

"I know my child; it is because I would not allow it. You have a great destiny to fulfill. The people of this planet need you. Their faith is all but gone. They don't know what to believe anymore so they turn to their science. They invent false theories and truths to explain what they refuse to accept. The light emitted from the stars does not brighten the darkness because I do not allow it to. There is no other reason. It is time now to give them hope that God does exist, and they will repent, or your word shall govern with a mighty force," He explains.

"What do you mean, my Lord?" I ask.

"Whatever you command shall be true. Your word is law on this planet, for you are the one true king and ruler of all the lands on this planet. Let no president, king, czar, or Caesar rule above you. All the people on this planet are equally cast under you as their only ruler. You will recruit others to help you, and they are waiting. I have selected a chosen few to help you on this quest, and they will seek you out," He explains.

"How will I know them?" I ask.

"You will know. Just as you have always known your destiny even if you refused to accept it," He says.

"Forgive me father," I plead, "I have forsaken you. I turned my back on you and forgotten my promise to you."

"You do not have to ask for forgiveness. I knew the road we chose for you would be a difficult one. You yourself chose this life because you knew nobody else of the other angels could withstand such abuse. It is I that should apologize to you my son," He states.

"An apology from God? Can there be such a thing? Isn't the very concept of God such that He cannot ever apologize for existence or the actions that occur in existence?" I ask.

"In this realm, I am at war with other forces that can alter reality against my will. Such is the nature of existence. Such is the reason for this existence. I allow for free will, but that means that man can choose to disobey Me," He explains.

"I shall obey You, my Creator, Lord in Heaven. You have rejuvenated my soul and filled my heart with your light and understanding. I shall govern this world as you command and remind every person on this planet that faith in God is more important than knowing of God."

"You truly understand my son. Man must never be shown the truth for then they will lose the opportunity to exercise blind faith, the purest form of love in God," He says.

"And what of the Goblin king and his empire?" I ask, "he will surely want to rule over me once I inherit the planet."

"He will not rule this planet. Trust in me and focus solely on your duty to your Lord," He answers.