Who Can Be Trusted?

He smiles.

"'How the hell would we know that?' The great leader of my friends roared out to me, "we don't even know how doorknobs work yet." 

And the other divine beings in their tightly knit circle tore the tension apart with echoes of laughter, because to them, it's funny that we have doors here at all. 

The very concept of doors does not exist in the reality of the realm they normally exist in. Everything is always perceivable and understandable by all sentient beings; thus, they coexist in a communal state of complete transparency."

"No, they don't," He corrects again, "And yes, they have doors," He adds, shattering my understanding, deconstructing the beliefs I had concluded to be fact from years of observation by disrupting the logic I had convinced myself I had flawlessly formulated. 

But more importantly, are the lies my foreign friends had told me when describing their origins to me. 

I was easily convinced since I was born to this planet with no memory of the journey that led me here and no context for determining if what they were saying was true or not. 

So, without intending to, He revealed to me the foolishness of trusting beings who can only exist here as symbionts in the non-symbiotic relationship that results in the death of the host when relieved of the possession by the superior lifeforms I foolishly thought were my friends. 

These friends I trusted are beings I cannot perceive and must possess other life forms to remain in this realm. 

When they terminate their possession of the human hosting their visit, that human dies without ever knowing what happened.

But if I am a poor judge of character for determining the intentions of alien life forms, then why should I trust and believe Him, when He could be something other than what He says He is, and all I have to go on is that one of them has to be lying to me, but potentially both, though I would only ever know of one, just can't prove which one.

So, I am left with no choice but to blindly side with whichever I believe is less likely to harm me. 

If He's lying about them lying, then I will have sided against those that actually were my friends, because I allowed the mystery behind the demonstrations I witnessed of His superior intellect, awareness, and abilities to create a false sense of friendship with a being that can't possibly benefit from spending time with a species millions of years behind Him in the development of their civilization.

Though it should be apparent by now that He is not simply of an advanced race; He is the great king, ruler and creator of what we have come to believe is our universe; however, his kingdom is far greater than our imaginations can conceive, far more than the known universe, yet still just a grain of sand on an endless beach filled with other realms, all ruled and created by their own king, appointed by God to serve Her directly and rule over us as our captor. 

To say that I am to Him what a Cro-Magnon would be to me would be an understatement; we might find an ancient Cro-Magnon interesting, amusing maybe, and only worth studying as a history lesson, but He sees us more as the remaining shit under His shoe that refuses to wash away when cleaned after stepping in such filth. 

We are evil; filled with ego, sin, ignorance, and entitlement. The responsibility of keeping us captive is a burden that He desperately hopes will eventually wash away.

He serves heaven, or so He claims, but if He was fighting on the team with those who have declared war against the Divine Creator, then it would be religious treason to accept teachings from Him. 

Ultimately though, I have no context to establish the true laws that govern existence beyond the education I received from others who also arrived on this planet through the portal that transports us all from our previous residence, if you will, to the birth process that confined us to the physical form we identify as our body. 

The body is a temple, that's true, yes, but only in the sense that it unites the resources of this dimension with an invisible but unbreakable connection to the form we retain in other dimensions while this body localizes that form to be restricted from access to all the other realms and confined to this planet until it can no longer sustain itself in physical form. 

And then that's it; this is the last stop on that eternal journey we began trillions upon trillions upon trillions of millennia ago that we thought would never end. But it is the end, and after this, the journey ends. That connection is severed, and the energy belonging to God that we tap into while alive is returned to its rightful owner.

But the truth is, I did believe Him over them, which is why we were having this conversation. And just like that, I accepted his truth, whether it was true or not, and turned my loyalty against my friends without any way of ever being able to determine which, if any, of the two foreign lifeforms I should have trusted.

And now that I was convinced of the truth He just provided, I saw no alternative but to distance myself from the friends that allegedly violated my trust. The fact that I still wasn't able to grasp how there could be doorways in a dimension without space seemed trivial compared to the bond of trust that I had just decided had been one sided and now broken.

"We can argue that since God is all knowing, then it was decided even before I was born that I can bless; however, in my opinion, and from my perspective, the gift (or curse) was bestowed on me shortly before I was killed, which of course, I was then able to come back to life, because this gift is intended to be the last measure taken to correct the existing imbalance," I postulate.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He interrupts in mocking disapproval, "last measure? What the fuck? So stupid."

"So, I'm not?" I ask.

"No idiot. You can't bless, only God blesses you fucken idiot. And stop the blasphemy. I am your Lord, Creator of all that you believe comprises existence. In essence, I am your God, but even I, the master and controller of all energy and matter in this dimension and realm, am not stupid enough to blaspheme with such careless disrespect. I created the universe that your whole understanding of existence is based on. I created the very concept time, without which, you could not exist, similar to how a drawing of a two-dimensional box could not exist without paper. You supply the paper that provides a platform for a box to exist. Similarly, I created time, so that you three-dimensional beings can exist. And I can't bless nor would I dare disrespect the true Source with such blasphemy," He explains with a clarity that forces me to realize how true it is. "But the truth is, you're not going anywhere, unfortunately, and those who oppose you, oppose my will, and that's just stupid. I cannot bless, but I can bestow powers unto you that your primitive human peers would mistake as divine."

"You did this to me?" I ask in disbelief with a tone indicating a feeling of betrayal.

"You are pure of heart," He tries to explain.

"Not intentionally, but I just don't see the benefit in selfishness," I admit.

"That is what makes you unique," He offers.

"Even if someone were selfish, it should seem intrinsically obvious that being selfless would ultimately benefit even the most selfish," I suggest with a disproportionate level of arrogance.

Ignoring my self-righteousness for a moment, He adds, "Some brains have just developed with such poor reasoning abilities that as a result, they base their conclusions on half-witted ideologies that they were unable to completely link in the chain of cause and effect that their decisions and actions are included in. However, an advanced race, millions of years ahead of in evolution, built robots so sophisticated, they did not know they were robots. They built all different types, some with four legs, some with a hundred legs, but the one that interests us most are those with two legs."

"Who's us?" I ask; He ignores me.

"Almost all of the machines were programmed to repair themselves, multiply, and adapt to their surroundings, among many other interesting characteristics."