Spelling Numbers

Single-digit Numbers

Spell out numbers under eleven. Yes, I’m aware ten is not a single-digit number, but can you imagine a world where we excluded ten from this rule. Imagine I wrote eight, nine, 10 in a sentence. Now can you see how horrible the world would be in that case?

Best Practices of Single-digit Numbers

All jokes aside, best practices, as well as most (if not all) professional manuals of style dictate that when writing out numbers, spell the number out when it is a single digit, and write the actual number itself for values that are multiple digits.

Some style guides will include the number ten in this rule, and some style guides will not include 10 in this rule. Personally, I obviously favor including ten, because it is such a short number of letters in the word that it makes sense to include it. There are some style guides that suggest spelling out all numbers less than twenty. Personally, I doubt anybody reads those style guides anymore, so they don’t count. Some people might decide to spell out numbers less than 13, and I do not oppose that rule, but I personally do not subscribe to that rule. I would suggest allowing personal preference to act as a guide while closely adhering to the general principles of this rule.

I believe this rule is especially true for numbers in a list. When listing numbers, if the first one is spelled out, then the rest should be spelled out. If the first is written in numerals, then the rest should be written in numerals. This exception is the result of the rule on Parallelism, which supersedes this rule when there is a conflict.


Besides from lists that follow the rules of parallelism, other exceptions include section titles or headers, such as Chapter 1; outline numbering, such as the case when a list has numbering before each item; writing checks, which demand large numbers be spelled out in a tiny space in the middle of the check; in quoted speech or quoted text, such as “...she counted 1, 2, 3...”

Other exceptions may exist, but it’s best to use common sense, personal preference, and sound judgment before adding anymore exceptions to this rule.


In conclusion, it is best practices to spell out the numbers less than or equal to ten and write the numerals of numbers 11 and greater.

Following style guides when it comes to numbers should allow for a certain amount of personal preference to dictate how closely someone adheres to this rule.

And finally, if you are a good person, then you will spell out the number ten unless it is in a list where the first number isn’t spelled out.


Algebra Intro

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Algebra 100 Intro

Algebra is a scary word to some people, myself included, but it doesn't have to be. Really, it's just a fancy way of complicating the simple math we normally do anyway everyday. The equations that represent these daily transactions are often unknown or perhaps unrealized in our day-to-day activities, but they can provide useful new perspectives on how we interact in society.

Uses of Algebra

Algebra is useful in many others ways too though. All the functions we perform on the daily can, in one way or another, be represented using Algebraic equations.

When we shop for groceries on a limited budget, for example, we might have to account for the taxes on certain goods that aren't exempt from taxes. Perhaps multiple each item by the number of mouths to feed, and then maybe replace one of each to account for someone with allergies.

Maybe you have three kids, and each eats two pieces of fruit each school day, three vegetables each day, and a pint of ice cream each weekend day, or some other blend of purchases that must be repeated frequently in order to survive.

That problem can be represented with an algebraic math equation.

When we want to purchase anything that is on sale or discounted a certain percent, we must employ simple algebra equations to fulfill our needs. When we learn any other science subject, we must first have a basic understanding of the principles of Algebra and Algebraic equations in order to understand those topics.

To understand algebra at its simplest form, certain concepts must first be assimilated and understood. In this quick math course, we are going to review the basics of algebra and most of the concepts that will be needed in later courses.

Let's begin with math in its simplest form, and evolve our course from that elementary example. Algebra has equations that are read from left to right. That will be important later because when two operators are equal in an equation, then the equation begins being read from the left.

Next is the order of operators: 1) Parentheses, 2) Multiplication and Division are equal, 3) Exponents, 4) then addition and subtraction come last.

So, for example, (4-(2-5*2)^2-3)/(-3) = -21 is obviously incorrect, since it's positive twenty one (+21). Let's find out why.

Don't want to wait? Learn it now

For example, we know that:
   1 + 1 = 2. So therefore, if x = 1, then x + x = 2
because x is 1 and 1 + 1 = 2.
That's easy.
Let's try that again.
2 + 1 = 3
If a variable named y is equal to 1,
then 2 + y = 3
because we defined the variable y to equal 1.
Now what if we don't know one of the numbers, perhaps the 2. In that case, when we write the above equation, instead of a 2, we place a variable[D: a character representing a numeric value or number] in its place.
Let's try it again.
The variable p = 3
And the variable q is unknown
But we know the following equation is true:
   p + p =  q
Then q must equal 6, right?
Because p = 3,
Then p + p = 3 + 3 = 6
Therefore, q = 6.


A variable is anything representing something else in mathematics or science. Computers, physics, engineering, and many more science topics all rely on variables. A variable acts as a symbol of a number we do not yet know for sure. So now, with a variable of X in place of the 2, the equation would be written as follows:
   1 + 1 = X Or we could say:
      1 + x = 2
You can decide what character you use as a variable, but keep in mind the following:
If you draw or write a symbol not available on a keyboard, then when you want to type the equation and your brain is working already on making sure you copy it right from paper, then remembering that cool symbol you drew before is now another thing to keep track of and could result in errors down the line. Meaning, keep it simple or as simple as possible for the sake of ease of use or understanding.


As equations get more complicated, small mistakes in the beginning could grow into big mistakes later. Avoiding complications will reduce errors.

Variable Symbols

Also, using symbols such as a dollar sign ('$') or something you found on your new mobile device, perhaps whatever this symbol is: ¥, could already be used as a reserved symbol representing something else; for example, π = 3.14 approximately.
Let me explain. While you are free to choose any character or symbol at your discretion[LR: discrete, discretionary, lat: cogitare, sp: crer], you are not the first person to learn Algebra. Many others have learned the hard way that if everyone uses different variables to represent the same thing, then when someone else looks at your version of the same equation, precious time will be wasted translating your variable choices to the ones they will have understood.
So, what people did with their fancy public school systems served a la suburbua was agree on certain variables being standards for certain things.
One day, I'll link to a comprehensive[D: All inclusive but not necessarily complete] spreadsheet of all industry standard variables so we can all enjoy that saved time on better moments, but for now, here's some guidelines.

Variable Guidelines

Typical math numerals are italicized letters, usually lower case, but sometimes upper case, such as if you choose X, because a lower case X could be confused with a multiplication symbol. So of course, to add to the confusion, lower case x is in fact the standard for multiplying any two numbers but also for teaching variables in Algebra classes. I don't specifically remember ever running across the equation: X x X = X^2, but you can see how using a variable that appears identical to the symbols that modify it can be confusing. The asterisk ('*') is also used as the standard for multiplying but specifically with computer programs and programmers, and has in some cases replaced the letter X on graphic user interfaces ('GUI').
The upper carat symbol ('^') is a standard for symbolizing a power or exponent of a number. For example, X^2 is X to the second power or X squared.
Another example is the lower case i, which is reserved in advanced mathematical theorems for the imaginary number. Rest assured, any mathematics dependent upon the imaginary number or required to prove another equation true follows these three important rules:
1) The imaginary number will never be useful in anybody's future,
2) The imaginary number will never have any positive affect on your life or anybody else's life that we know, and
3) The imaginary number-based equations are still theories and even if they result in equations that do not include the imaginary number in them and seem to be true by all accounts, they were still proven using a fictitious algorithm based upon an imagined number that doesn't exist, which means the equations are not reverse engineer verifiable.
Back to math that can help our daily lives. Other standard symbols include:
t for time,
v for velocity,
d for distance (also diameter),
n for number,
g for gravity,
f for force,
r for radius,
h for height,
l for length,
p for price,
two numbers next to each other, each surrounded by parentheses symbolizes the multiplication symbol even though it is omitted, so (4)(3) = 12.
That same equation can be written (4)*(3)=12, or (4)x(3)=12, or 4*3 = 12, or 4 x 3 = 12.
All of those equations are the same.
x, y, and z together are used to symbolize each axis of a three-dimensional plane,
a for acceleration (also alpha)
/ forward slash for dividing the first number into the second,
< and > are the less than and greater than symbols, respectively. These symbols should not be confused with the same symbols in the context of programming HTML tags or when used to symbolize flow of text.
There's plenty more, but as you can see, most of the variables we thought we would get to invent ourselves have already been standardized.
Let's continue learning the math.
The equation we were working on is simple:
     1 + 1 = X And because we know that 1 and another 1 gives us 2, then we can logically deduce that in order for the equation to be true, X must equal 2;
Otherwise, the equation would not be true and the equal sign would have to be replaced with a greater than or less than symbol for any other value of X other than 2.
    1 + 1 < 3
    1 + 1 > 1.5
So that is an introduction to Algebra. Next, let's solve: 1 + y = 2z


Algebra is intended to simplify our lives, but in order to do so, we must first understand algebraic equations, learn basic math concepts, and feel comfortable working with variables instead of numbers.

Logic 101 (English)

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Introduction to Logic

Logic Puzzle

If Jack has an A, and all X's are A's, then does Jack definitely have an X?

What we know:

From above we know two facts:
1. Jack has an A (apple)
2. All X's are A's

We would not assume that:

1. All A's are X's
2. Jack's A is an X (red apple)

Logically Why?

Just because all X's are apples does not mean all apples are X's.
We know Jack has an apple, but whether it's an X or not is not clear. Since we would be wrong to assume all apples are X's, then we might be wrong to assume Jack's apple is an X. That's not to say we know Jack's apple is not an X. The truth is, we don't have enough information to determine if Jack's apple is an X or not.

Solving Logic Puzzle 

Consider what if X stood for a red apple. Then we know Jack has an apple; we know all red apples are apples. But we don't know if Jack's apple is red or not. We simply weren't given enough information.

So when asked if Jack has an X or not, the correct answer is that we don't know or just no, if no better choice is presented. The answer no requires explanation, which is that we don't have enough information.

However, since the question asks if Jack definitely has an apple, meaning 100% certainty, then the answer is no, regardless of what color apple Jack might have. The reason for this is that the word definitely changes the question from asking if Jack's apple is also red to ask if the percent chance of him having a red apple is certainly 100%; so, the meaning of the question has changed from a question that does not provide enough information to a question that requires a numeric calculation to determine the percent value and establish a true or false response.

Logic Puzzle Solution

Therefore, while Jack may indeed have a red apple, the percent chance of him having a red apple is not 100%. In other words, he might have a red apple, or he might have a green apple, but we were not given enough information in the two facts that we know in order to determine the color of his apple. So, therefore, the percent chance of him having a red apple is relative to other color apples he might have, such as green. Based on the two facts that we know, we cannot assume all apples are X's. That would be like saying all apples are red, which we know is not true.

Logic Puzzle Answer

So, does Jack definitely have an X?

Absolutely not.

Maybe he does, but that doesn't answer the question being asked.

130 Italics (English)

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Understanding Italics

Italics are used to signify an idea or a thought unspoken, such as narration; for example, then I thought to myself that’s a great idea! In the preceding sentence that’s a great idea is a thought unspoken, hence no quotes. (See Quotes)
Italics are used when writing a word as a word, such as the word words; for example, the word italics is being defined. In the preceding sentence, italics is being used as the word itself, and not to signify the change in font style of applying italics to a word.
Italics are used when writing a letter as a letter, such as the letter A; for example, the letter A is capitalized in this sentence. In the preceding sentence, the letter a is self-referencing that it is treated with capitalization (See: Capitalization), so it is also treated with italics.
Some people use italics to treat headlines, such as newspaper headlines. Headline capitalization (See Headline Caps) is preferred for headlines and should be included with other treatments when writing headlines.
Italics are used when stressing a term; for example, scroll down to see the definition of nexpress.
Italics are used for coining a new expression; for example, a nexpress is my word for a new expression.
Italics are used for treating titles in a sentence, especially references to book titles; for example, I just finished reading Cinderella.
Italics may be used interchangeably with single quotes, depending on the publishing medium. For example, I put the title in single quotes because the comments didn’t let me use italics.

107 Restrictive Clauses (English)

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Introducing Restrictive Clauses

To understand what a restrictive clause includes, let's first examine the word restrictive.
By the way, using a word as a word in a sentence receives the italics treatment. The word italics is unrelated to the country Italy. Notice I italicize the word italics when using it in a sentence as the word itself. Get it?
Italics is a style imposed on letters, characters, words, terms, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to mimic the act of writing in script. Notice that Italics, while plural, receives a singular verb in the preceding sentence. Do you understand why? We'll circle back to that if you don't. Send me a reminder when I forget.
When you see this: {R} in any of the study plans of PapooseWeb, then that is an indicator of the grammar choice that was just made. {R} means the term or phrase that follows restricts the term or phrase that precedes the {R} symbol.
Don't get frustrated about learning this. Most people with advanced knowledge of English language usage still engage in lively debates as ambiguous examples divide scholars into teams of R vs NR.


Something that is restrictive restricts something else; that is to say, when something is restricted, it is limited, reduced, specified, or identified. If I have three shapes; two are triangles, and one is a square, then the shape that is square, which is not a triangle, is alone. In that sentence, let's examine every comma:
If I have three shapes; two are triangles, and one is a square, then the shape that is square, which is not a triangle, is alone.
1. The first comma after triangles is correct because I am not limiting myself to a certain amount of shapes. I already defined the amount of shapes, right? No. But usually that's how you solve the restrictive question. In this case, we have an independent clause before the comma.
Independent clause: a phrase or part of a sentence that contains a subject and a predicate. For example, I am man. I is the subject, and am man is the predicate. In that last sentence, I was the subject of the first independent clause, and am man was the term acting as the subject of the second independent clause in that compound sentence defining the simpler sentence preceding it.
When a compound sentence contains two independent clauses, then if you are using a conjunction, then they are separated by a comma before the conjunction. If you do not include a conjunction, then most likely the two clauses are separated by a semicolon. We'll circle back to a lot of these points. For now, let's focus on commas.
So the first comma is determined to be valid because there is a conjunction following it and an independent clause following the conjunction. When you learn about the serial comma and series items, you may think back to this lesson and wonder why I was able to cast the sentence with two comma-separated expressions where both included the same conjunction. We'll circle back to that lesson much, much later.
(CB.Jedi :: because the list is of shapes not sentences; for example, if we have two sentences: two are triangles and one is a square. However, if I have three shapes; two are triangles, and one is a square. Got it?) (/CB)
So the first comma is non-restrictive because it is not limiting the two triangles; that is, it does not restrict the two triangles from among other triangles implied. If however, I were to write: "the two triangles that are furthest from the square," then I imply there are more than two triangles, and the two I am referencing are the ones furthest from the square; the other triangles implied in the sentence are closer to the square. On the other hand, if I write: "the two triangles, which are furthest from the square," then there are only two triangles, without any additional triangles implied, and they are furthest from the square compared to other objects that are not triangles.

That vs Which

We learned long ago that restrictive is for use with the word that, and non-restrictive is for use with the word which
But other pronouns and words also follow the same rules in certain cases. The word because always follows the same exact rules of That vs Which, only in both cases of restrictive or non-restrictive, you still use the same word because, unlike the pronouns that and which.
Restrictive: A restrictive clause is one that is essential to the meaning of the sentence as a whole because it limits the meaning or extent of the independent clause.
Nonrestrictive: A nonrestrictive clause is not essential to the meaning of the sentence as a whole; that is, it could be deleted from the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Subordinate conjunctions: after, although, because, except, if, unless, when, whether, while
Punctuation of dependent clauses introduced by subordinate conjunctions:
Dependent clause, independent clause.
Independent clause restrictive dependent clause.
Independent clause, nonrestrictive dependent clause.
When a restrictive dependent clause follows an independent clause, no comma is used.
When a nonrestrictive dependent clause follows an independent clause, a comma follows the independent clause.
Relative pronouns: that, who, which
Relative adjective: whose
Relative adverb: when, where
A relative clause must follow the punctuation rules of restrictive vs. nonrestrictive clauses.
Adults who are blind cannot see. (True only for those adults who are blind)
Bats, who are blind, cannot see. (True for all bats)
Appositives are always nonrestrictive and should be set off by commas both before and after the clause. This rule applies to appositives that are introduced by and or or.
The dog, named Spot, is a male.
My dog Spot, and best friend, is a male.
Example of the subtlety between restrictive and nonrestrictive:
He was annoyed when the phone rang.
In this case, the ringing of the phone annoyed him.
He was annoyed, when the phone rang.
In this case, he was annoyed and then the phone rang.

127 Hypothetical (English)

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Hypothetical Statements

Which one is right?
If she was going to go...
If she were going to go...
Hypothetical Statements use were for sentences that did not, do not, or might not have actually occurred. To state that clearer, when a sentence involves an action that did not yet occur, is not occurring right now, or might not occur at all. So to rephrase, use were when a sentence involves an action that did not, does not, or might not occur.
This is a rare grammatical usage for more advanced language studies, so let's circle back later and keep it simple for now. (Path :: Poetic)

104 Appositives (English)

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Understanding Appositives

An appositive is a word, usually a noun or pronoun, that modifies the noun or pronoun directly preceding it.
For example:
I Papoose am writing.
In this case, the appositive: Papoose is provided in open form, a grammar style that reduces comma usage where adding commas, while grammatically correct, does not provide added value to the sentence,[ref: Because Commas] because the relationship of the modified expression and the modifier is clearly defined.
I, Papoose Doorbelle, am a writer.
Here, the appositive: Papoose Doorbelle, which modifies the word: I is expressed using closed form, which is a preference for using commas whenever grammatically correct.
Papoose, canine philanthropist, likes to write appositives.

Treatment of Appositives

The appositives are the words directly preceeding the subjects and receive no special treatment.

Comma Usage of Appositives

Open form and closed form comma usage follows restrictive or non-restrictive grammar rules.
Appositives are in essence parenthetic expressions; therefore an appositive may be set off by parentheses or similar punctuation depending on the style requirements and personal preference.
Simple, right?

Path :: Poetic License


This is a word Papoose invented to describe the treatment of an appositive. (For poetic purposes only)

105 Parenthetics (English)

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Parenthetics is a term to describe any expression that can be set off with the commas or obviously parentheses as the name implies. A parenthesis marks the beginning of a word, phrase, or clause that can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning of it. A parenthetic expression is denoted by any punctuation that separates that text from the rest of the sentence.

Parenthetics and Commas

When a comma is used to separate a parenthetic expression or parenthetic clause within a sentence then another comma is used at the end of that clause or expression. When commas separate parenthetics from the rest of the sentence, then they are setting off a nonrestrictive clause.

Parenthetics and Semicolons & Colons

In the case of both semicolons and colons, neither is used to set off parenthetic expression; however, either can be contained within the content of a parenthetic expression. At no time can two semicolons or two commas be used to set off a parenthetic expression.

Parenthetics and Hyphens, En dashes & Em dashes

Of the three--a hyphen, an en dash, and an em dash--only an em dash, which is equivalent in length to two en dashes (hence the alternate title: double en dash), is qualified to set off a parenthetical expression within a sentence.
When setting off a parenthetic expression, an em dash is neither preceded nor followed by a space.

Parenthetics in Parentheses, Brackets, and Braces

The quintessential symbols of a parenthetical expression, parentheses, brackets, and braces should be dispensed with care so as not to break up a sentence or paragraph, increasing the difficulty of the readability with each added use of a parenthetic clause, especially as is the case of parentheses, brackets, and braces.

115 Ellipses (English)

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An ellipsis is a set of three periods together to indicate a short break or pause in speech or missing text from a quote. More than one ellipsis is termed ellipses.


An ellipsis can be inserted after a word, phrase, or sentence in speech, such as a monologue or dialogue. When an ellipsis is inserted after text, and the sentence isn't interrupted by omitted words missing from the context, then a space is followed after the ellipsis and then the following text with no additional punctuation unless the ellipsis ends the quoted text.
For example, "I was going to..." I said before being interrupted.
When an ellipsis begins quoted text, it is immediately followed by text with no spaces after it and a single or double quote preceding it.


An ellipsis can be inserted into a sentence to indicate that some text has been omitted. In some circumstances, the ellipsis can be followed by one or more carriage returns to indicate whole paragraphs or sections have been omitted. When redacting text, such as when highlighting text with a black color to prevent readability, an ellipsis is not used unless text has also been removed in addition to the text that is redacted.
When an ellipsis is used to signal an omission, it may or may not be preceded or followed by a space. In some cases, a space can both precede and follow an ellipsis, but those cases are rare.

111 Semicolons (English)

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Understanding Semicolons

Semicolons have a number of useful reasons to be included in a sentence or paragraph. Where colons can be useful outside of sentence structures, semicolons are typically limited to separating text in paragraphs or similar constructs. You may think semicolons are the halfway point between commas and colons, and in some respects, that assumption wouldn't be far from the truth. Where a comma offers a pause and a colon introduces something, a semicolon can be considered a halfway point between these two attributes. However, a semicolon adds value to a sentence with its own merits. At times, only a semicolon can offer the clear interpretation of text intended to be set off in a manner that other punctuation might not be able to achieve as precisely and clearly. Using a semicolon in a sentence may not be as forgiving as a misplaced comma or period, so special consideration should be taken before treating text with a semicolon.

Semicolons as Hard comma

When a sentence contains a series of items, and that series contains items that are themselves separated by commas, then the semicolon is useful for indicating the break between the original series of items as a hard comma. That is to say, when items in a list contain commas within them, then a semicolon can be used to separate the top-level list items as a comma, referred to as a hard comma.
For example:
This sentence contains: an item ending with a semicolon; a series of words, text, and filler within the main series; and a concluding element that is preceded by a comma because it is part of the top-level series of items.
As a hard comma, a semicolon is typically used to indicate the separation of items containing within themselves commas or similarly confusing punctuation. Without the semicolon as a hard comma, the series items with lists within that series would be difficult to interpret, leaving readers confused and uncertain. The semicolon helps clarify which items within each of the main list's items are contained within each top-level list item.
When used as a hard comma, all elements within that top-level list of items are given the same treatment. That is to say, all elements within a list that is separated by semicolons are treated the same. So even though an item following a hard comma might not contain within itself any comma-separated items, it is still separated by a semi-colon from the other items in that list level. Items in a list must be separated by the same punctuation throughout the list with the exception of the penultimate list item, which can be followed by a conjunction with or without the punctuation, depending upon personal preference and style guidelines.

Semicolons Replacing Conjunctions

When a sentence contains two independent clauses that are closely related compared to the other sentences in that paragraph, and a conjunction would be less meaningful in terms of readability of the sentence, then a semicolon may be placed between the two clauses instead of a comma followed by a conjunction. That is to say, the comma and the conjunction are both removed if replaced by a semicolon. There is never an instance where a semicolon should be followed by a conjunction; if you find yourself in that situation, consider recasting the sentence.

Semicolons Introducing a Series

While often a series is introduced by a colon or a comma, there may be times when you want to indicate a different relationship between the sentence introducing the list items and that series of items. A semicolon implies that the list and the introductory clause have a relationship, but not necessarily a direct causal relationship.

Semicolons in External List Items

When providing clauses or sentences in a bulleted list or numbered list, ending all the list items except the last with a semicolon reinforces their relationship to the introductory sentence while reserving the relationship of the list items to each other. To rephrase, in a bullet item list, ending each line with a semicolon can be interpreted as creating a sort of distance between the list items such that they are either not related or only loosely related, while retaining each of their relationship to the introduction of that bulleted list.

Semicolons Preceding Conjunctive Adverbs

A conjunctive adverb separates two independent clauses by being preceded the adverb with a semicolon and followed by a comma. An alternate option is to end the first independent clause with a period and then follow the adverb or adverbial phrase with either a comma or no treatment, depending on the writer's preference for open or closed form punctuation.
In this sentence we will demonstrate a conjunction; however, it is an conjunctive adverb not just any conjunction mind you.
Another consideration is if an adverb is within the context of a sentence and not separating two independent clauses that require an adverb to describe their relationship to each other. This exception is outside the scope of semicolons and should be covered under the Commas section.

Learning Binary

Binary 100 Simplified

Binary is the essence of all of existence. Everything can be divided down to the simplest form of computing, which is by using binary. Black and white, yes and no, true or false, good or evil are all examples of binary in action. But what about in computers? In computers, all programs are written using some other machine language that ultimately relies on some form of binary input. That is to say, binary is the primary building block of all other programming languages. Another language, which we can study later, is hexadecimal.
Just like binary, hexadecimal is not actually a language, it is a code of numbers. In the case of binary, the code is either zero or one. That is why it is called binary, because the only options are one of two.
So, in order to build binary code, we are limited to either using a zero or a one. To build a yes or no value is as simple as assigning one to yes and zero to no. In math, that looks like this: y=1 & n=0. In binary, it's even simpler: 0 or 1.
So you must be wondering, what about 2? The olde 1 plus 1. Well, a bit can only contain a single one value. So either a bit is empty, or a bit has a value of 1. So now, we can assign a set of bits either nothing or a 1. Zero is nothing, right? That's simple math.
1 is not-zero or true.
Zero is false, the bit does not have a value. It is false because there is no value assigned. You assign a value by not assigning the true value. That is the essence of binary: true or false.
In math and coding, zero is followed by one, which is followed by 10. In decimal (latin for ten), after nine, you start over back to a one after a zero. Same thing with binary, after one, you start over. In base-3, you start over after 2; so: 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 100, and start over again.
Same thing with binary, only there's only the one by itself. So in essence, we already are familiar with the concept, since we practice it in base-10 everyday by exchanging money in decimal-based denominations.
After 1 is 10, because there is no 2 in binary, only zero and one. After 10, 11, but then no 20, it's straight to 100, and that's our 4.
Interestingly, every power of two is the number of zeroes behind the one. So two squared, or 4, is hundred, eight is two cubed, which are equal to 1000 in binary format. Each bit is combined with seven other bits to form one byte of data. A byte is eight bits. So that was pretty simple. How did things get so complex?

Candy Crush

Binary is simple, there is a one and there's a zero. After that it's just more ones and zeros. So how does that apply to a game? Simple, the game was programmed with only 1's and 0's.
Each tile is connected on one side.
If the colors match, assign a 1.
If the colors do not match, then not 1, or zero.
So if a tile has the color blue and a blue tile above, then the game was programmed to assign a value of 1 to the space between them. Now if a blue is nearby, then a zero can become a one by switching the two tiles creating a zero value so that the further tile generates a second one value.
Thus, when two 1's are together, we see visually three tiles connected, but really, the programmer just created a simple equation that if 1 + 1 = 2, you can continue; if not, then it subtracts 1, and you see one less move available in the game.
Any questions? Basically,just ignore the hypnotic colors.

Applying the rule

The rule is simple, when two colors match, you have a value of 2, right?
Impossible. In binary, there is no two. There is only 1's and 0's. So how did they program a value of 2?
Well, in order to understand how binary can be used to program a game, you must first be able to see the number values associated with the binary values.

Binary Conversions

0 = 0
1 = 1
2 = 10
3 = 11
4 = 100
5 = 101
6 = 110
7 = 111
8 = 1000
Okay, that should be enough for us to figure out the coding behind a program such as Candy Crush or Soda Crush. It's not the colored tiles that you pay attention to, it's the value between each pair of tiles.

Pasta Sides Prose Poetry

Pasta Sides Prose Poetry

I hope you enjoyed the poem.
As a thanks, I made a sample preview of something similar to the games that will be available on the papooseApp being released publicly 2017Q4.
In this rather brief simulation...
("Wish it could have been longer but I haven't programmed JavaScript in about ten years, and the code started falling apart (aka, crapping out) on the fourth level, so there's only three rounds in the sample preview below for now. The app is programmed with over 80 of these so far and growing weekly, so hopefully it's still entertaining with only three rounds..." Ms. Jessica Messinger ('Jess') states, making Chen uncomfortable since nobody paid Jess for any of her programming work so far, and he felt like she was hinting at that a little. In his defense, he did toss around the word intern a few times when interviewing Jess. But in her defense, she's the only one doing any work on the papooseApp and games so far, so Chen goes before she does, if Papoose has to choose.)
("Quiet! Papoose was talking!" Chen barks at her with a sprinkle of contempt.)
...which is played by identifying one of the two choices that correctly completes the sentence.
The sentence is in the middle of the top choice and the other below.
When spoken out loud, the two options sound similar.
Did the exact same syllables get spoken in the same order both times?
Perhaps they are even identical if you speak the syllables without thinking of the words they form?
("So, what Papoose is saying is when you read the two choices out loud, you'll see they both say the exact same thing. Only the pauses between words when you speak will change? So are they phrases that are homonyms?not just single word homonyms, or homophones? So, homonymous phrases, or homophonic phrases..." Jess asked.)
("Dude, shut up!" Chen explained to Jess as nicely as possible, hoping his in-depth reply sufficiently resolved her query.)
Try to figure out which one is correct in the first example below .
("Both options that you can vote for sound identical if you speak them out loud," Jess shared.)
("They know already, pipe down!" Chen thanked her.)
("The games are designed to be a little more challenging in the app," Jess informs Chen, since he has no idea how to build an app.
("Shh! Nobody cares," Chen thanked her again.)
Press the button below to load the first round.
The options will appear, one above and one below the main sentence in the middle.
Vote for the one that you believe is correct.
An answer will pop up letting you know if you got it right.
Round 2 will display in the Round 1 button to indicate you may proceed to the next round.
There are three rounds total...
("...so take it slow or go help Jess learn better JavaScripting skills, or you can also find the second puzzle--this being the first--when Jess and Papoose finally figured out how to use the Fusion database hiding back there somewhere," Chen said, reciting what he overheard them talking about.
("How did you know about that?" Jess asks Chen. He shrugs indifferently.)
Ready to give it a try?
Press the Round 1 button after pressing PRESS HERE TO START to begin round one.
Press the button to see if your choice was correct or not.

Hidden Puzzles A

Did you get it right?

Tech Path

Tech Path Introduction

Welcome to the Papoose Path for technically savvy young minds. This section of Papoose Doorbelle Presents is intended to provide guidance in discovering various topics to study and learning in the information technology industry. This path is designed to allow Papoose's visitors to explore the various topics without having to follow a set order of pages.


The following is a list of the courses currently available or preparing for publication. Please use the form on the Contact Us page to request updates, changes, or additions.


Algebra Intro

Logic Intro


Blogger Intro


Binary Intro
Binary In Action


Learning HTML

Lateral Puzzles

Pub & Water


This path has been set up a little differently than the other paths for a number of reasons. First, there is a high probability that you've already studied and learned from topics covered in the other paths. Second, Papoose makes the assumption that students interested in exploring a career that follows a technical path are intelligent enough to continue independently with minimal guidance. Third, Papoose believes that the technical path is far too broad a subject, containing an endless array of subtopics, so a linear path would not be practical. There are other reasons as well, but those are three solid examples of why the technical path is different in appearance and approach.


The following section contains a list of subcategories available on the Technical Path by Papoose. Review the list of completed topics for that category by clicking on the subcategory name in the next section. This section provides a high-level overview of what is contained pr planned for each category and the topics that are included if not immediately obvious.
If you believe a category is missing, or a category description is incomplete, then please use the contact form to update Papoose, and her best efforts will be employed to rectify the
1) Technical Writer Path - Topics, courses, and quizzes designed to prepare a student for the rewarding life of being a technical writer. In this category, focus is on grammar, best practices, and understanding code.
2) Programming Path - Topics and self-paced courses designed to provide a hands-on experience in learning how to program, which includes leveraging external resources that complement this topics, such as W3 Schools.
3) Hardware Tech - Topics, puzzles, and quizzes to provide help and guidance on the technical knowledge needed to be a hardware technician. If you've ever gotten caught, or better still ever gotten in trouble for, taking apart electronics, then this path might interest you. Some external resources may be leveraged where the knowledge needed is better entrusted to more experienced experts, such as guidelines for using a welding tool on a piece of hardware or perhaps something simple like buying your first screwdriver.
Please note: Papoose does her best to vet each external resource for excellence, clarity, and truthfulness on a best efforts basis. Anyone who feels uncertain about a particular resource for any reason should use the contact form on this site.

Technology Subtopics

There are going to be a number of subtopics listed under this path, and those subtopics might not be released in sequential order. That is to say, topics may be released in an order other than the order they were intended to be read. For example, Advanced Algorithm Programming might be released before Learning to Program Java is released, even though the first is a prerequisite to understanding the latter. This methodology, while justifiable, may cause some confusion, which is another reason topics are not forced into sequential order; because some topics were designed as references as well as path topics.
Some of the planned topic subcategories for the technical path include: Web Development, Databases, Networking, Programming Fundamentals, Information Architecture, Resources, and of course the Technical Writer Path, which is the only subtopic that will be presented as a sequential path.

Learning HTML

HTML 101 by Irene Smith.

Any time you teach, you have to make some assumptions about your students. These are my assumptions about you; I assume that you:
  • Know how to surf the net,
  • Have no prior experience with HTML,
  • Are not a computer programmer,
  • Know how to create, edit, and save files.
That’s it! It doesn’t matter whether you want to learn HTML because you have to or because you think it would be fun.
There are two subjects you need to learn, no three, no four—yes, four subjects you need to learn in order to make attractive web pages:
  1. HTML - HyperText Markup Language, the language of the web;
  2. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, provides the “look and feel” of web pages;
  3. JavaScript - This isn’t absolutely necessary, but knowing a little programming can help you make your web pages more interactive and interesting;
  4. It helps if you know a little about creating graphics and editing photos. Again, not absolutely necessary, but knowing how to work with images will make your web pages more attractive.

Let’s begin at the beginning.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup L
HTML uses tags and attributes to define the structure of a document.
HTML documents are interpreted by a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft’s newest browser, Edge.
HyperText refers to the links that connect a web page to another page on the same site or somewhere else on the web.
Markup refers to the tags that are used to define a web page’s structure.
HTML is based on XML, eXtended Markup Language, and shares many characteristics with it. (But you don’t need to learn XML in order to use HTML!)

What do you need to have in order to create web pages?

  1. A computer with an Internet connection.
  2. A text editor of some kind. Notepad.exe on Windows, TextEdit on a Mac, or Vim on Linux are all good. You can use any editor that saves files as plain text.
  3. A web browser so you can see what your pages look like.

Enough talk. Let’s create a web page!

There are a few things that you need to include in every web page you create. Create a new file in your editor of choice and type the following text:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
    <title>My first web page</title>
    <p>This is where the content goes!</p>
Save your work to a place where you can find it. In the beginning, it doesn’t much matter where. I suggest that you create a folder for the lessons in this class (name it "HTMLessons") and keep all of your files inside of it. I suggest that you call this file “MyFirst.html” but you can call it whatever you like.
Now run your web browser and open the file. In most cases, Ctrl+O (Command+O on a Mac) will allow you to browse to a file on your local computer and open it.
What you should see is a mostly blank page with the sentence “This is where the content goes.”

What does it all mean?

Let’s go through the contents of your first HTML page bit by bit. The first line tells the browser that this document will be using HTML 5. Earlier versions of HTML required a more complicated DOCTYPE statement but we don’t have to worry about that. By including this line, we tell the browser that it doesn’t have to try to work around the quirks that were part of earlier versions of the markup.
The second and last line of the document work together to define a container for the rest of the page. <html lang=”en”> is the opening tag. The part that follows “html” tells the browser that the language for this page is English.  Other possibilities include: fr (French), de (German), it (Italian), and es (Spanish). If you want to know more about the lang attribute, you can check out the definition on the w3c website, Specifying the language of content: the lang attribute (https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#attr-lang).
Next, in lines 3 to 5, we define the head section of the document. The head section contains metadata (data about the page, as opposed to data that will be displayed in the browser) for the current page. In our example, I have included the only required child tag for a web page, the title. The text between <title> and </title> will usually be displayed either in the title or the tab of the page.
The next section, the body, is where all of the visible content of the page is placed. In the case of our sample document, the only content is a single paragraph. The text between <p> and </p> is the text that you saw in the browser.
With the tags I have shown you so far, you could actually create a web page. It would look boring, but it would be a page that people could read. Let’s add a little bit of interest. I’m going to give you a couple of other tags to play with. And that is exactly what you should do, by the way, PLAY!


First let’s talk about headings. HTML defines headings with levels from one to six. You use the heading tags instead of the paragraph tag. The heading tags look like this:
<h1>This is heading level 1</h1>
<h2>This is heading level 2</h2>
<h3>This is heading level 3</h3>
<h4>This is heading level 4</h4>
<h5>This is heading level 5</h5>
<h6>This is heading level 6</h6>
To tell the truth, I’ve seldom gone any further than heading level three, but all six of them are there for your use.

Text formats

Here are some tags you can use to control the look of your text. These tags are used on sections of text
within a paragraph or other container. So far, you’ve seen the heading tags and paragraph tags; we’ll talk about other containers in the next lesson.
Here are the text tags:
<em> - The em tag defines text that should be emphasized in some way. You might use it to set off a technical term, for example. Most browsers will render text between the <em> and </em> tags using italics.
<strong> - The strong tag indicates text that should stand out. In most cases the text marked as strong will be display in boldface type, but this isn’t necessarily so because you can define other formatting for this tag. All of the text between the opening <strong> and the closing </strong> tags will be formatted so that it stands out.
<small> - Text formatted with the small tag is rendered in a smaller font than the surrounding text. It can be useful for a subtitle, or for information that is less important than the surrounding text.
There are more, but I don't want to overwhelm you when you're just starting out. We'll talk about more of them in future lessons.
In the next lesson, we’ll talk about using pictures and links in your web page.
Let’s finish by creating a slightly more interesting web page. This one will be about you! Start a new document in your editor and enter the following text. Once you’re done, don't forget to save it. The name “aboutme.html” is a good choice for this one.
NOTE: Don’t forget to replace my placeholder text with your own information! I’ve set off the text you need to change with curly braces { and }.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
    <title>About {Your Name}</title>
    <h1>All About {Your Name} <small>(123) 456-7890</small></h1>
    <p>Hi, my name is <strong>{Your first name}</strong>, and I have created this website to show my skills with HTML. I am a {your job title} and am learning HTML in order to expand my skills.</p>
    <h2>My Family</h2>
    <p>{Tell us about your family here.}</p>
    <h2>My Job</h2>
    <p>{Put stuff about your job here.}</p>
    <h2>More stuff about me!</h2>
    <p>{Feel free to add anything you like. Try out all of the tags I showed you and, above all, have fun!}</p>
If you have trouble with the page, feel free to leave a question in the comments for this post. I’ll answer them as quickly as I can.

Algebra Intro

Algebra 100 Intro

Algebra is a scary word, but really, it's just a fancy way of complicating the simple fact that a mathematical equation is unknown or incomplete.
For example, we know that:
1 + 1 = 2.
So therefore, if x = 1, then x + x = 2
because x is 1 and 1 + 1 = 2.
That's easy.
Let's try that again.
2 + 1 = 3
If a variable named y is equal to 1,
then 2 + y = 3
because we defined the variable y to equal 1.
Now what if we don't know one of the numbers, perhaps the 2. In that case, when we write the above equation, instead of a 2, we place a variable[D: a character representing a numeric value or number] in its place.
Let's try it again.
The variable p = 3
And the variable q is unknown
But we know the following equation is true:
   p + p =  q
Then q must equal 6, right?
Because p = 3,
Then p + p = 3 + 3 = 6
Therefore, q = 6.


A variable is anything representing something else in mathematics or science. Computers, physics, engineering, and many more science topics all rely on variables. A variable acts as a symbol of a number we do not yet know for sure. So now, with a variable of X in place of the 2, the equation would be written as follows:
1 + 1 = X
Or we could say:
          1 + x = 2
You can decide what character you use as a variable, but keep in mind the following:
If you draw or write a symbol not available on a keyboard, then when you want to type the equation and your brain is working already on making sure you copy it right from paper, then remembering that cool symbol you drew before is now another thing to keep track of and could result in errors down the line. Meaning, keep it simple or as simple as possible for the sake of ease of use or understanding.


As equations get more complicated, small mistakes in the beginning could grow into big mistakes later. Avoiding complications will reduce errors.

Variable Symbols

Also, using symbols such as a dollar sign ('$') or something you found on your new mobile device, perhaps whatever this symbol is: ¥, could already be used as a reserved symbol representing something else; for example, π = 3.14 approximately.
Let me explain. While you are free to choose any character or symbol at your discretion, you are not the first person to learn Algebra. Many others have learned the hard way that if everyone uses different variables to represent the same thing, then when someone else looks at your version of the same equation, precious time will be wasted translating your variable choices to the ones they will have understood.
So, what people did with their fancy public school systems served a la suburbia was agree on certain variables being standards for certain things.
One day, I'll link to a comprehensive spreadsheet of all industry standard variables so we can all enjoy that saved time on better moments, but for now, here's some guidelines.

Variable Guidelines

Typical math numerals are italicized letters, usually lower case, but sometimes upper case, such as if you choose X, because a lower case X could be confused with a multiplication symbol. So of course, lower case x is the standard for multiplying the two numbers on either side of it. The asterisk ('*') is also used for multiplying as the standard for computer programmers, and has replaced the letter X on graphic user interfaces ('GUI').
Another example is the lower case i, which is reserved in advanced mathematical theorems for the imaginary number. Rest assured, any mathematics dependent on this standard symbol will:
1) Never be useful in your future, and
2) Not be taught in Papoose's mathematics.
The first equation we were working on is simple.
1 + 1 = X
And because we know that 1 and another 1 gives us 2,
Then we can logically deduce that in order for the equation to be true, X must equal 2;
Otherwise, the equation would not be true and the equal sign would have to be replaced with a greater than or less than symbol for any other value of X other than 2.
    1 + 1 < 3
    1 + 1 > 1.5
So, in order for an equation to be true, you must solve for the unknown variable while maintaining the equilibrium of the equation. That means any changes must be made to both sides of an equation and in equal proportion. So if you add 1 to the left side of an equal sign, then you must add 1 and only 1 to the right side of an equal sign.
For example, 1 + 1 = X
So therefore, if we add -1 to both sides, we get:
1 + 1 - 1 = X - 1
Then a one and a negative one on the left side cancel each other out by equaling zero, so
1 + 0  = X - 1
and then
1 = X - 1
To return to the original equation, we add one to both sides again as follows:
1 + 1 = X - 1 + 1
So then
1 + 1 = X + ( -1 + 1)
  2     =  X  + 0
  2     =    X
So then we see once again that X = 2 in that equation. In other equations, the variable X may have different values, or you may use a different variable other than X.

FractalFiction - Peace Path {WIP}

Puzzle #1  
Level : Easy

"Knot, a frayed tool of hers, two carafe tea, stander as leap."

FractalFiction - Math Path {coming soon}

Document Version 01

under construction

Mathematical placeholder