
Drinking Alcohol - Good or Bad?

Alcohol is Poison Regardless of how much a fluid is adulterated, any amount of alcohol is just a poison ingredient added into a drink.  Even pure alcohol is only partially the actual alcohol ingredient. Depending on the other ingredients, the fluid may or may not be consumable for humans. 

Daniella and the Goose

"Good morning Daniella," said the happy goose. "How did I get here?" Daniella replied. She could see she wasn't home, because there were geese everywhere.

The Good Witch - part 1

"Ya want to play me in the royal court Papoose? Ya will sway free from a coil or short noose, " the witch cackles, "Now vamoose Papoose, ya bird chaser. All bark, no bite; all spark, no fight; all talk, no light; all dark, all night, my wish ignite!" The skies darken as the benevolent witch's words secretly conjure a lightning storm that attacks him at his heels, smashing his brigade.

QMS Architecture 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

Understanding 21 CFR Part 11 Requirements The basis of all guidelines under 21 CFR Part 11 is that electronic data integrity is accurate and reliable. As part of FDA guidelines for drug-related software, 21 CFR Part 11 established the expectations the FDA has for software that is used for managing documents, or records, electronically. Ultimately, once a document or record or any form of data is made available electronically, there are certain inherent risks that were not a factor for storing records and data on hardcopies. 

Lital Napping

"What time is it?" Lital asked in dismay. "It's time for your afternoon nap," her mother responded without allowing the clock to dictate the day. "But I'm not tired," Lital said anyway. "You don't have to be tired to take a nap," mommy explained, "taking a nap is a healthy part of the day."

Newport Youth

"Can I also get a pack of Newports?" "100s or box?" "Box." "Can I see some ID?" "How old's your dad?" "What?"

The Kitchen

I drag myself through the short corridor and into the kitchen.  She stays in the bedroom.  The sliding door to the balcony on the opposite side of the bed is half open, letting a gentle breeze caress the sheet covering her slender body. My finger flips the light switch to my left. 

Palindrome Poem - Intro

Build your own poem Prepare to earn your poetic license. Select one of the phonetically identical phrases (double entendre/homophone) from the twelve sets of two to build a palindromic poem.

Space Cadet

“It’s a conspiracy I tell you.” “Don’t be crazy, they’re stars!” she says. “I’m not crazy, I just have a wild imagination.” “So wild you believe the stars are really planets and thousands of them circle our sun?”

Meeting Gabriella

When I first met my new boss Gabriella, she was just some dude's girlfriend that I just met and would probably never see again. 

Attention Alternative

"Yes, that is true," I respond to Him, "but there's more to it than that. When I was a child, my brain developed severe ADHD, and I couldn't maintain my concentration on any one topic for more than a few seconds. Yet, I still managed to recircuit my thought patterns, so that I could play back what somebody says when I wasn't paying attention. The key thing there, is how do you remember what somebody says if you're not paying attention in the first place. I was remembering and replaying background noises, such as people talking directly to me, which with ADHD, was in fact background noise. The downside, was that it made people think that I was paying attention and must be stupid if he takes that long to answer a question." 

Palindromic Double Entendre Poem Game - Level 12

Build your own poem Prepare to earn your poetic license. Select one of the phonetically identical phrases (double entendre/homophone) from the twelve sets of two to build a palindromic poem. The chosen phrase rises to the top of the poem, and the other falls to the bottom, then the next selection places the chosen phrase as the ending of the previous one at the top, and the other joins the bottom phrase as the starting part of that sentence. Repeat for twelve (12) sets of phrases to create a six (6) line poem where each line forms a sentence that makes logical sense. Advance to the next level when you select the correct combination of phrases and reveal the palindromic poem solution for each round. (Please note this web app version is a proof-of-concept prototype, and is still in development.) Start Level 1 A pelican Apple again Flocked over Fall october Beek awesome Because I'm Evangelic angle low Even jelly


"Initials" - by Anonymous This poem was submitted to me by a close friend. She requested to remain anonymous, so I will honor that request. I hold other authors at much higher standards for publishing on my blog than I do myself, so suffice it to say, the following poem is, in my opinion, noteworthy and possibly award worthy.  

Planetarium - Part 2

You see, whenever I got a new phone, everything worked fine, and nobody had access to any of my personal information.  Then they turned on the gas, I fell asleep, or unconscious whatever, and they would swap out the guts of my device with some sort of UNIX- or Linux-based transfer system that basically hardwired me to redirect my phone calls, no matter who I called or what number I dialed; even 911. 

Planetarium Part 1

Everything I write from this point forward in this chapter is the absolute truth without any stealthy omissions or double entendres (though there’ll be plenty of those) to obscure the honest intent.  Every word quoted was really spoken.  Every description, every detail, every time I myself couldn’t believe it was happening, but sure as I’m alive today there must be a God, without any doubt, I will prove to you that God does exist. 

Got A New Pen

I got a new pen of fancy design. Fancy that; I look quite refined. I dined diet drinks before, But never quite like this before.

6 Steps to Creating Blogs (for free)

Blogging Online There are many resources online for creating a blog site.  One has shiny bells, while another has roomfuls of whistles, but ultimately Google has cornered the market.  Ad serving used to be a competitive market with DoubleClick pioneering the efforts to violate our privacy so that display and text ads would seem eerily similar to the content of our emails and searches. The reason ads seem to be so relevant and personal these days is thanks to cookies. 

8 Easy Steps to Plumbing

How to Fix Leaky Plumbing Fixing the pipes under the kitchen sink has been a source of great stress and discomfort for many people who are smart enough to realize the parts themselves are cheap, so why pay so much for repairs?  Well, plumbing is tricky business.  Water can seep through the tiniest of cracks, so knowing how to properly seal a leak or fix a broken joint under the sink is a highly sought after skill.

20 Steps to Installing a Deadbolt

  Installing a Deadbolt Place lock barrel through opening in edge of door so that lock protrudes out in locked position with the lock itself sticking out of the door.

Never Sunny In Brooklyn

She came in through the front door, Every step for sale to darken the day. The chips in her teeth stain violence,

Someone's Gotta Pay

Mail me wave after wave Of what remains o f your brave Come to dig their own grave Slash the backs of every slave

Light Always Accelerates

in the sheltered patterns of mosaic reflections echo desperation as madness distills as yet another wonder-fueled

Goblin's Cup Begins

Entrance Granted: Jessie's Game " I ham lieu king foe dee own her, mass stir Gobland ," ? I say in as clear a voice as I can, trying my best to sound like a New Yorker, and not another Euro-immigrant girl that didn't learn the language before risking fate to navigate across the lake and forsake forced fate to freedom's flight.

In Bliss Gutter

I burned off my skin I make love to the sky. I can't stop bleeding Every time your tears cry.

Tibetan Pig

The pig ran away to Tibet, Which filled his loved ones with regret.